Cybersecurity Services

At Breachdefend, we offer a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services, including security risk assessments, security assurance, ongoing security operations, security incident management, risk management, ransomware and email protection, ISO27001 compliance support, and security awareness training.

  • Security Advisory
  • Ransomware Protection
  • Security Strategy & Roadmap
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Proactive Incident Management
  • Security Risk Assessment
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Security Testing
  • Security Awareness Training
  • Threat Intelligence
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Our Approach To Security

Our head office is in Gold Coast, Queensland and we work with clients across all states. Our team of certified security leads is uniquely positioned to provide expert guidance and comprehensive security solutions.

We bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to each engagement, ensuring that your organisation benefits from the latest industry best practices and cutting-edge security technologies. Whether it's conducting in-depth risk assessments, developing robust security policies, or managing complex incident response scenarios, our team is committed to helping you achieve and maintain a strong security posture.

Partner with us to safeguard your business against evolving cyber threats and ensure long-term resilience.

  • Real-World Expertise

    With over 25+ years of experience across various industry verticals, our certified security leads bring real-world expertise to every project. We leverage this extensive knowledge to design solutions that address current threats while anticipating future challenges.

  • Certified & Security Cleared

    Our team hold industry security certifications such as CISSP ,  ISO27001 Lead Auditor, Offensive Security Professional (OSCP) and are Negative Vetting 1 security clearad.

  • Client-Centric Approach

    We prioritise your business objectives and operational requirements, ensuring that our solutions align seamlessly with your existing processes. Our goal is to deliver security measures that enhance, rather than disrupt, your daily operations.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions

    We understand the importance of maximising your investment in cybersecurity. Our team focuses on providing cost-effective solutions that deliver significant value, balancing robust protection with budgetary considerations.

  • Transparent Communication

    We believe in maintaining open and transparent communication with our clients. From initial consultation to project completion, we ensure that you are informed and involved in every step of the process, providing peace of mind and confidence in our solutions.

  • Practical Implementation

    Our solutions are designed with implementation in mind. We provide clear, actionable recommendations and work closely with your team to ensure that security measures are effectively integrated into your infrastructure.

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